OpenUtilities Substation Help

Submit BOM Dialog

This dialog allows you to submit the Bill of Materials for the selected Work Order, BOM Document, and Revision you chose in the BOM Tree to a third-party purchasing system such as SAP. The software converts the BOM data into a JSON file which it then sends it to the specified URL. n
Important: The information below is just an example of how this functionality operates. This functionality is completely custom and will need to be configured for an organization's specific needs before it will operate successfully. Please contact your organization's Bentley representative for details on how to configure this feature.
Accessed from:
  • BOM Manager > Submit
Validate Executes a series of validation checks that ensures that your data can be successfully transmitted to a third-party purchasing system. The results will be displayed in the Output Messages window.
Submit This option first executes the validation checks and ensures that there are no violations prior to continuing. Provided there are no violations, it sends the BOM Data to the location specified by the organization during the configuration process.